Sunny Nights

Grade D: Edible

Little Buritto
...You Would....
The Bad Art Collection
Filler Bunny
I Feel Sick
All the lonely people
Grade D: Edible

If one dream,
Were reality,
I'd pick our fantasies by reams,
In all their totality.


We're All Mad Here

My name is Mud (LoL I have always awanted to say that!) Nah, my name is Moose and I am a student at Bolton High. Being 15 (and looking at sixteen with more hope then I did 15), that puts me in my sophmore year. My hobbies include: Psychology, writting, reading, talking on the phone, video games, anima, female hentai ( I didn't say that) and most importently...Music! I love music! I sang opera for two years but quit because of a horrible dircetor. I am 5 foot something and shorter than the majority of my friends. I have brownish, black hair, with one blue bang and red streaks, I also wear all black but dont consider myself gothic. ( i refuse to believe I am a type of artwork!) well, I believe that's enough. I know your bored all ready. Much love Much Love

Contact me

Sepetember 18, 2004

Life at Skool? Well, things have been doing fairly well in Skool. I joined Latin club and almost became Treasurer but missed by one vote, no matter though because I am president of Latin tutoring. yeah, can you see the neardy vibes here? Friday(yesterday) I went to the mall with some friends of mine (Nic, Jessica, Josh, and Tyler) Tyler is gay and we were trying to get him laid so he would kinda go away. He's our friend but the more annoying one that you dont like to hang out with everyday without slapping him. Josh DDR'ed like the entire time. He came out for food once and I fed him some chicken. I met this guy named Ben at the arcade and he's really really awsome and we clicked. No, I can't see going out with him in the immediate future because I'm with a wonderful guy named Cody who I am dedicating a lot of my time to but I can definatly see us being close friends. Nic bought me an early birthday present. A chesire cat purse that says WE'RE ALL MAD I love it! Jessica was silent for a long time but she started to cheer up and become he funny self again. Oh! We rode the carousel like once and I got really dizzy because I don't like things that go in circles-they don't fly with me. I'm suppose to hang out with Nic again today and maybe go to the comic book shop because I wanna pick up some Lenore comics. I wanna see Cody today but most likely wont because we hang out only on sundays and wednesdays. well, I'll depart now. I need a shower.

