Sunny Nights
Little Buritto
...You Would....
The Bad Art Collection
Filler Bunny
I Feel Sick
All the lonely people
Grade D: Edible


The Doomed Squee

The Story of Squee is based around Johnny's poor neighbor kid, who has proubly gone equally insane by all the happenings in his neighborhood. Squee's name is actually Todd and recieved the nickname by the sound he makes when he gets frightened which is often. This, people, is a kid anyone you could love...anyone but all the people he knows.

Squee's detatchment from a lot of people is mostly from his parents who are the world's worst. Mom is a drug addict who constantly forgets she has a son while his father has a recording of Squee being born...and watches it in reverse. Johnny is actually seems to take over the roll of father hood in one small section of JTHM when he explains to Squee that he is a nice boy and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. Also in the beginning of Squee you find out that Johnny leaves little "Presents" in his room.  

Having no real friends are parents he has taken up a relationship with a stuffed bear named Shmee. Shmee, at first seems harmless, simply a toy carried around for comfort and some kind of companionship but later we recieve a closer look as Shmee actually talks to Squee. Shmee acts as a sponge, soaking up all negative energy to protect Squee. Slowly it seems he becomes the negative energy. Squee had this to say "Sponges are scary" but you can't blame the kid. From constant visits from aliens who want to do spooky things to his head, a future self whose bones are melting, and classroom full of zombie children made by the goverment the poor little guy has to learn to adapt.   
