
Johnny The Homicidal Manaic


JTHM was JV's first, most popular, and (in my opinion) his
best comic book. JTHM follows the homicidal acts of Johnny (NNy for short) who is not only harming others but himself. Nny
(perhaps the only truley intellagent person in the story) is perhaps clinaclly insane. Our only tip is the fact he talks to
cookie jars, kills people in the most horrible ways imaginable, and nails animals to the wall.I'm going with insane. Although
very much a crazy, NNy brings an insight into people's life that often goes unnoticed. He doesn't chose just anyone to murder
but in fact the people who very much deserve it.These people aren't the sicko's that one might imagine in any other "Hero"
comic but the normal slobs of horrible gook you see everyday on the street.The people who pick on someone for what they wear,
or insult other for their personal apperance. They are the people who act out of selfishness instead of kindness.


you can cry until there is nothing wet in you. you can scream and curse until your throat ruptures. you
can pray all you want, to whatever god you think will listen and still it makes no difference. it goes on with no sign
as to when it might release you. and you never know if it ever did relent.. it would not be because it cared