Sunny Nights
Little Buritto
...You Would....
The Bad Art Collection
Filler Bunny
I Feel Sick
All the lonely people
Grade D: Edible

Heads up: This site is not for kids with laces in their shoes and pigtails...or maybe it is...if so youre kids are fucked up! Well, so I don't get in trouble like last time, this site will and does contain language that might not be suitable for younger viewers. If you get pissed because you don't want Sally looking at a site that has Fucker in big bold letters I warned the little bastard and it's your bad parenting so don't bitch to me.
~The Faculty


Updates, You Fucker

Hey guys, Not much has been going on because the site has just been made. *smiles* well, I guess that does count as something doesn't it? Well, the site is still under construction. I'm trying my best to keep to the orginal idea of J.V.'s Work. I make no promises though. Right now I have my head phones on and I am trying to tune out the idea that I am a complete a total geek by blaring Manson but sadly i don't believe it is working *sigh* better just face facts and move on with my life. It would make all the other neards at the comic shop very happy to know I have finally accepted it. Well, toodles, and remember: stay off the loose soil. It's rude to step on the dead.


Bitch of the week!
Meet Steven (Drawn by Doug Allen) I can't say I am a huge fan of Steven but thise one picture always makes me smile. Everyone should have a little Steven somewhere on their desktop. I know I do! (To visit his website click on the pic!)

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